
The reaction of nickel(II) chloride with xanthurenic acid afforded two crystalline products, [Ni(HXan)2(H2O)4]·6H2O (1) and [Ni3(Xan)2(H2O)10][Ni(Xan)2]·4{(CH3)2CO}·2H2O (2), with HXan− and Xan2− standing for the deprotonated forms of the acid. Both compounds were unambiguously characterized by means of X-ray structure analysis. Their solid state structures give evidence of a presence of different xanthurenate ions and their tautomeric forms in the solution. Compound 1 is a mononuclear nickel(II) complex with metal ion in a nearly octahedral environment of six ligands: four aqua ligands and two trans positioned HXan− ions, each coordinated in a monodentate manner via a carboxylate oxygen. Compound 2 consists of trinuclear complex cations [Ni3(Xan)2(H2O)10]2+ and mononuclear complex anions [Ni(Xan)2]2−. The Xan2− ions of the complex ions in 2 are not the same, they differ in the position of the ionized hydroxyl moiety. With both compounds possessing several hydrogen bond donors and acceptors, intricate patterns of intramolecular connectivity may be observed in their solid state structures.

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