
Treatment of Pd(tmeda)Me 2 with dimesitylphosphine (PMes 2H, L) gave cis-PdL 2Me 2 ( 1). trans-ML 2Cl 2 (M=Pd ( 2), Pt ( 3)) were prepared from a variety of starting materials. The reaction of Pt(cod)Cl 2 with L gave cis-PtL 2Cl 2 ( 4), which reacted with PPh 3 to yield cis-Pt(L)(PPh 3)Cl 2 ( 5). cis-PtL 2(Me)(Cl) ( 6) was prepared from L and Pt(cod)(Me)(Cl), while reaction of L with Pt(cod)(Et)(I) gave cis-PtL 2(Et)(I) ( 7), which isomerized to trans-PtL 2(Et)(I) ( 8). The phosphine–borane PMes 2H·BH 3 ( 9) was made by reaction of L with BH 3·SMe 2. Crystal structures of 2·2CH 2Cl 2, 4·CH 2Cl 2, 5·2CH 2Cl 2, 6, and 9 provided 7information on the steric bulk of L (cone angle ca. 149°). Restricted rotation about the PtP and PC bonds in complexes 4– 8 was studied by variable temperature NMR spectroscopy.

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