
The first mononuclear tungsten-citrato complex, (NH4)3[Li (H2O)3WO3(C6H4O7)] (1), has been prepared by the reaction of ammonium tetrathio tungstate and lithium citrate in CH3OH-H2O solution at pH 8.2. There are two crystallographically independent anions in the asymmetric crystallographic unit. The crystal structure of the title compound (triclinic, space group P1, a = 6.901(1), b = 15.136(3), c = 16.107(3) Å, α = 75.85(3), β = 89.89(3), γ = 89.97(3), V = 1631.4(6) Å3, R = 0.068, R W = 0.1674 for 3878 reflections with I > 2σ(I)), reveals that in the compound a tungsten atom is coordinated to a fully deprotonated citrate as a tridentate ligand and three terminal oxygen atoms to form a distorted coordination octahedron.

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