
The ligand o-hydroxy acetophenone azine (APA) was identified as bulk material and as deposited thin films by X-ray diffraction (XRD) to be single-phase polycrystalline of the monoclinic structure. The unit cell lattice constants were determined to be a=1.578 nm, b=1.394 nm and c=0.640 nm, as well as its plane angles are α= γ=90°, β=132.8°. Coordination compounds of the ligand o-hydroxy APA and its complexes with the divalent transition metal ions Cu(II), Ni(II), Co(II) and Zn(II) were prepared and characterized by elemental analysis, conductometric measurements, UV/Visible, FT infrared spectra, thermogravimetric (TGA) analysis and magnetic measurements. The ligand acts in a bidentate or tridendate manner forming neutral 1:1 and 2:1 metal to ligand ratio. The formed complexes have the formulae [Cu(II)L(H 2O)]·3H 2O, [Ni(II)L(H 2O)]·2H 2O, [Zn(II)L(H 2O)]·2H 2O and [Co 2L(CH 3COO) 2·4H 2O] where L is the ligand.

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