
The synthesis and secretion of apolipoproteins (apos) by cells from a human choriocarcinoma cell line, JAR, were examined by [35S]-methionine labeling followed by immunoprecipitation and SDS/PAGE. Apo E, but not apos A-I, A-IV, or B, was synthesized and secreted. Apo E was also synthesized by fragments of chorionic villi from human placenta and by another choriocarcinoma line, BeWo. Pulse-chase experiments with JAR cells revealed that apoE was initially synthesized as a 33 kDa protein followed by a 34 KDa protein, probably the result of glycosylation. The latter was secreted into the medium where it was detected coincident with a 21/22 kDa doublet, possibly proteolytic fragments of apo E. Approximately 50 per cent of the apo E in the medium was complexed with lipid as indicated by ultracentrifugation at a density of 1.21 g/ml. The amount of apo E produced by JAR was not affected by preincubation with dibutyryl cAMP and theophylline, or by the cholesterol content of the cells. Following perfusion of an isolated lobule of human placenta with [14C]-amino acids, [14C]-apo E was detected by immunoprecipitation of the maternal and fetal perfusates with 88 per cent in the maternal perfusate. These studies suggest that apo E, which promotes receptor-mediated lipoprotein uptake, is secreted by the trophoblast to facilitate uptake of maternal lipoproteins.

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