
Mixed halo dithiocarbamate complexes of TeII were synthesized for the first time. Complexes of the general formula Te2L3X (X = SCN-, Br- and I-) were obtained from the parent compound TeL2[L = bis (2- hydroxyethyl ) dithiocarbamate ] and potassium thiocyanate or halides in acetic acid medium. Their chemical and physical properties were studied and the crystal structure of the thiocyanate compound determined. The crystals of the thiocyanate complex are monoclinic, with space group P21/n, a 14.056(3), b 9.599(2), c 22.519(6) Ǻ, β 105.71(2)°, V 2924.8 Ǻ3, Z 4, F(000) 1672, the final R and Rw values being 0.042 and 0.041 respectively for 1209 unique reflections. Many novel aspects were observed in the structure. The two tellurium atoms display entirely different coordinations. One of them, namely, Te(1), has two unequal bidentate dithiocarbamate groups chelated to it in planar-trapezoidal coordination similar to the geometry found in the parent TeL2 complex. It is also linked to Te(2) by a short contact [3.221(3)Ǻ] to complete the fifth coordination. The second tellurium atom Te(2) exhibits trapezoidal four-coordination with an equal bidentate dithiocarbamate group, an S-bonded thiocyanate group, and interestingly with Te(1). The Te(1)-Te(2) axis is inclined with respect to the Te(1)-S(1)-S(2)-S(3)- S(4) plane (trapezoid) by 67.6°.

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