
By using reactions between Me3GeBr or Me2GeCl2 and appropriate lithium hydrazide salts, the following new compounds were prepared: Me2NN(R)GeMe3 (R = H, 1; Me, 2; GeMe3, 3; SiMe3, 4), Me3GeN(Me)NHGeMe3, 5a, MeNHN(GeMe3)2, 5b, (Me3Ge)2NN(Me)GeMe3, 6, Me3GeNHNHGeMe3, 7a, (Me3Ge)2NNH2, 7b, (Me)11Ge4N6H, 11, (Me2GeNNMe2)3, 12, Me2Ge[N(R′)NMe2]2 (R′ = Me, 13; SiMe3, 14). Thus the reaction of Me3GeBr with Li(MeN2H2) and with LiN2H3 gave mixtures of disubstituted isomers, 5a and b, and 7a and b, respectively, rather than mono-substituted derivatives. Reactions of Me2GeCl2 gave (i) an unresolvable, highly condensed product with LiN2H3; (ii) the high molecular weight compound 11, with Li(MeN2H2); and (iii) the cyclic trigermazane 12 with Me2NNHLi; the extent of self-condensation is a function of the degree of substitution of the hydrazine moiety. Reactions with protic reagents (H2O, MeOH, anhydrous HCl) effect cleavage of the Ge—N bond in germylhydrazines. New compounds were characterized on the basis of i.r., n.m.r., and mass spectral measurements.

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