
The significance of Schiff base (SB) to form metal complexes is its capability to stabilize metal ions in various oxidation states. Mononuclear metal complex of a SB ligand can be synthesized by taking one mole of metal salt with that of 1 mol of ligand to form mononuclear metal complex of a single ligand. Dinuclear metal complex of a SB ligand can be synthesized by considering metal to ligand in the ratio 2:1 to form dinuclear metal complex of a single ligand. Titanium complexes can form octahedral and dodecahedral complexes with SB ligands depending on the presence of donor atoms in the ligand. Copper metal can form tetrahedral, square planar, and octahedral metal complexes depending upon the presence of donor atoms present in the ligand, number of donor atoms, and the ratio of ligand used to synthesize metal complexes.

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