
Two new phenylacetylene derivatives, 5-((4-(2-(2-(2-fluoroethoxy)ethoxy)ethoxy)phenyl)ethynyl)indoline 8 and 5-((4-(2-(2-(2-fluoroethoxy)ethoxy)ethoxy)phenyl)ethynyl)-1H-indole 14, targeting β-amyloid (Aβ) plaques have been prepared. In vitro binding carried out in tissue homogenates prepared from postmortem AD brains with [125I]IMPY (6-iodo-2-(4′-dimethylamino-)phenyl-imidazo[1,2-a]pyridine) as the radioligand indicated good binding affinities (Ki=4.0 and 1.5nM for 8 and 14, respectively). Brain penetration of the corresponding radiofluorinated ligands, evaluated in the normal mice, showed good initial brain penetration (4.50 and 2.43% ID/g (injected dose/gram) for [18F]8 and [18F]14 at 2min after injection) with moderate to low washout rates from the brain (1.71% ID/g at 2h and 2.10% ID/g at 3h, respectively). Autoradiography and homogenate binding studies demonstrated the high specific binding of [18F]14 to the Aβ plaques; however, [18F]8 showed low specific binding. These preliminary results identified that indolylphenylacetylene, 14, may be a good lead for further structural modification to develop a useful Aβ plaque imaging agent.

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