
The present work consists of synthesizing a five-decorated aromatic amine derivatives. The decoration involves aromatic derivatives nano-platelets through an electric process using aromatic amine derivatives such as Sulfamethoxazole, \(2\)-Amino-\(6\)-chloro benzothiole, Trimethoprim, \(2\)-Amino benzoic acid, and \(4\)-Amino phenol. This process occurs in an electric cell containing platinum electrodes with a voltage of \(1.6\) volts, resulting in the production of compound \((R1,R5)\). These compounds were characterized and diagnosed using physical and spectroscopic methods, including infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), \(X\)-ray diffraction (XRD), electron microscopy (FESEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and \(H1\)-NMR.

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