
Two polymorphs of lithium magnesium tellurate Li4–2xMg1+xTeO6 have been prepared by solid-state reactions and their crystal structures characterised by powder X-ray and neutron diffraction. For x ​≈ ​0, a monoclinic C2/m phase is obtained, structurally similar to other O3 type honeycomb layered tellurate and antimonate compounds. The basic structure consists of [Mg2TeO6]3− honeycomb layers alternating with Li layers, with some anti-site disorder of Li and Mg between layers, analogous to the structure of Li4ZnTeO6. For 0 ​< ​x ​< ​~0.5 (specifically, x ​= ​0.33) an orthorhombic Fddd phase is obtained, with a rock-salt superstructure containing disordered Li/Mg cation sites surrounding ordered TeO6 octahedra, analogous to the structure of Li3Co2TaO6.

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