
The reaction products of palladium(II) nitration with sodium nitrite in the presence of rubidium salts are described. The crystal structure of rubidium dinitrodichloropalladoate(II) — trans-Rb2[Pd(NO2)2Cl2] — has been studied (KUMA automatic diffractometer, MoKα radiation, graphite monochromator, θ/2θ scan mode for 2θ 2σ(I)). Crystal data: a = 15.123(3), b = 7.750(2), c = 7.776(2) A, V = 911.4(4) A3, space group Cmca, Z = 4, dcalc = 3.209 g/cm3. The structure consists of [Pd(NO2)2Cl2]2– complex anions and Rb+ cations. The planar square coordination of the Pd atom is completed to distorted octahedral by the chlorine atoms of the neighboring complexes at Pd...Cl distances of 3.18 A. Chains of complexes with alternating orientations are formed. The geometrical characteristics of the complex anions, the coordination polyhedra of the cations, and the heavy atom sublattice are analyzed. The crystal structure of Na2[Pd(NO2)4] has been refined, and refinement data are given.

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