
The crystal and molecular structure of chiral crown ether, (S)-2-[(4-methoxyphenoxy)methyl]-15-crown-5 · NaClO4, has been determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The complex crystallizes in the orthorombic space group Pbca with Z = 8. Lattice parameters are a = 11.451(2), b = 12.842(3), c = 31.330(7) A. The structure was refined to R factor of 0.0547. The Na ion is heptacoordinated. The Na–Oether distances range from 2.363(4) to 2.433(4) A and average 2.404(5) A. Perchlorate anion is bounded to sodium ion asymmetrically; the Na–O8 and Na–O9 distances are 2.444(5) A and 2.607(5) A. The C–O and C–C distances of the 15-membered ring average 1.419(9) and 1.478(12) A while the O–C–C and C–O–C angles average 108.2(6)˚ and 115.4(6)˚. In the molecule, the sodium ion is seven coordinated by the five ring oxygen atoms and two oxygen atoms of the perchlorate anion. The macrocyclic strand of the molecule displays ag-a, ag+a, ag−a, ag+a, ag−g-set of torsion angles.

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