
A protonated and hydrated Dion-Jacobson-phase HSr2Nb3O10∙yH2O was used to prepare two series of inorganic-organic derivatives containing non-covalently intercalated n-alkylamines and covalently grafted n-alkoxy groups of different lengths, as they are promising hybrid materials for photocatalytic applications. Preparation of the derivatives was carried out both under the conditions of standard laboratory synthesis and by solvothermal methods. For all the hybrid compounds synthesized structure, quantitative composition, a type of bonding between inorganic and organic parts as well as light absorption range were discussed using powder XRD, Raman, IR and NMR spectroscopy, TG, elemental CHN analysis, and DRS. It was shown that the inorganic-organic samples obtained contain approximately one interlayer organic molecule or group per proton of the initial niobate, as well as some amount of intercalated water. In addition, the thermal stability of the hybrid compounds strongly depends on the nature of the organic component anchoring to the niobate matrix. Although non-covalent amine derivatives are stable only at low temperatures, covalent alkoxy ones can withstand heat up to 250 °C without perceptible decomposition. The fundamental absorption edge of both the initial niobate and the products of its organic modification lies in the near-ultraviolet region (370-385 nm).

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