
The pea plastocyanin gene in a 3.5 kbp Eco RI fragment of pea nuclear DNA was introduced into tobacco by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Regenerated plants contained pea plastocyanin located within the chloroplast thylakoid membrane system. Analysis of seedlings from a self-pollinated transgenic plant containing a single copy of the pea plastocyanin gene indicated that seedlings homozygous for the pea gene contained almost twice as much pea plastocyanin as seedlings hemizygous for the pea gene. Homozygous seedlings contained approximately equal amounts of pea and tobacco plastocyanins. The amount of tobacco plastocyanin in leaves of transgenic plants was unaffected by the expression of the pea plastocyanin gene. The mRNA from the pea gene in tobacco was indistinguishable by northern blotting and S1 nuclease protection from the mRNA found in pea. In both pea and transgenic tobacco, expression of the pea plastocyanin gene was induced by light in leaves but was suppressed in roots. Pea plastocyanin free of contaminating tobacco plastocyanin was purified from transgenic tobacco plants and shown to be indistinguishable from natural pea plastocyanin by N-terminal protein sequencing and 1H NMR spectroscopy.

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