
The article deals with semantic classes of verbs with different valences. Based on the interpretation of the semantic class of verbs, in the process of teaching the Russian language, semantic representations are used that are the result of the segmentation of the gestalt interpretation, so that the prepositional-case forms and verbs align the semantic in variants - the frame. From the point of view of semantics, the first actant is the subject of action, i.e. the one who performs the action; the second actant is an object that is impacted by a direct action object, a direct object; the third actant is an indirect or further object to whose benefit or to the detriment of which an indirect complement is performed. The semantic side of a sentence assumes its surface form, i.e. the sentence is considered as a sign that has a plan of content and a plan of expression. Both plans are closely related, but a comprehensive approach is needed to clarify the specifics of the organization of each of them and establish their relationship. L. Tenier also emphasized that trivalent verbs, the most structurally complex and the most difficult to master, fall out of the researcher's field of vision. Therefore, the selection of semantic classes of such verbs is of great theoretical and practical importance. The semantics of a verb includes the verb and subject features. The latter are the semantic basis of the valency of the verb. It can be assumed that as part of the semantic interpretation of the distributive-transformational scheme, the correlation between frames and the minimal interpretation determines the case value of each of the actants. To determine the meaning of the case, it is sufficient and necessary to refer the word of this case form to the distributional transformational feature and name the frame corresponding to the segment of interpretation of this noun.

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