
The purpose of the study is to analyze the active verb cut in English. The article defines the models forming the synparadigma of the active verb cut, describes the semantic features of the verb, analyzes the verb cut from the point of view of its morphological categories. The author conducts a theoretical analysis of the concept of "syntactic paradigm", its differences from the morphological paradigm, and also describes various interpretations of the concept of actionality, which is important in the analysis of the syntactic paradigm of the active verb. There are a large number of points of view about what range of phenomena the concept of synparadigma covers and what is the composition of the categories significant for it. The article presents the theories of the synparadigma of D.Worth, P. Adamts. The author comes to the conclusion that the synparadigma of the active verb cut consists of 8 models: VN, VNprpN, LinkVed, Voneself, VO, VD, VNV, VNprpG. The highest frequency indicators are characterized by the VN model. An analysis of the active verb cut from the point of view of its characteristic species-specific, collateral categories and mood categories shows that the most commonly used form of the verb cut in the English-language media text is Present Indefinite and Present Perfect. Narration in the present tense provides a very strong presence effect, causes a feeling that events are happening here and now. The active verb is mainly used in the actual voice. Due to the lexical meaning, the verb cut is often used in the passive voice. The analysis of the verb along the line of the mood category revealed a large number of sentences in the indicative mood.

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