
The purpose of the article is to study the structural (syntactic) aspect of pleonastic formations, build a structural concept and thereby prove their semantic significance, as well as informative interpretation. The object of analysis is pleonastic expressions and their pragmatic functions based on the material of publicist and artistic discourses. The subject of analysis is the comparison of the transaction (transmission) of the author’s and the “communicative isolation” of the meaningful lexical unit – pleonasm. The result of the study is the recognition of the normality of the use of this phenomenon, but subject to certain conditions: only models with homogeneous components with the meaning of a person, phenomenon, quality, state, basically, complement, clarify the conceptual content of the expression. The semantics of the object or subject is redundant in models with predicative units. These constructions are usually found in colloquial and publicistic styles, which does not allow them to be attributed to the norm of the modern Russian literary language. Structural models with a subordinate relationship with the meaning of an object, attribute, action (agreement) are also considered superfluous.

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