
Abstract Objective Synovial chondromatosis (SC) is relatively rare, but it often occurs in large joints and can cause osteoarthropathic (OA) changes if left untreated. It is extremely rare for this condition to occur around the wrist joint. We present a case treated by osteophyte resection for restriction of the forearm rotation caused by SC and the resulting OA changes in the distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ). Case Description A 50-year-old woman had progressive OA changes due to SC in the DRUJ, and restriction of forearm rotation. Thorough excision of SC and osteophytes through the dorsal and palmar approaches of the wrist improved the range of rotation of the forearm with no recurrence. Literature Review Although there have been scattered reports of SC occurring in the DRUJ, there have been no reports of management for restriction of forearm rotation caused by OA changes. Clinical Relevance For SC in DRUJ, it is important to make an early definitive diagnosis and perform a synovectomy to prevent the progression of OA changes. Osteophyte resection is effective in the treatment of restriction of the joint motion caused by secondary OA changes.

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