
Helium was injected from a flat plate normal to a Mach 2 airstream. Interchangeable nozzles of 0.080 in. throat diameter d* were used to give an injection Mach number range from 1 to 4. Jet-to-freestream total-pressure ratio Poj/Poa varied from 3.5 to 9.6, and jet-to-freestream dynamicpressure ratio qj/qa from 2 to 11. Concentration measurements at three downstream locations x were made; and the penetration y was defined by the 1% He boundary. Results are shown in Fig. 1. Penetration increases with increasing Mach number, total pressure ratio, and downstream distance. For equal P0j/Poa and mass flow, penetration increased as much as 25% in going from sonic to Mach 4 injection. Existing correlations in the literature did not fully describe the data. Penetration varied with (#y/(?a)but only for a given MJ and x/d*. Dividing penetration by mass flow correlated the data for all M}for a given x/d* only. A multi-variate regression analysis was used to correlate the data in the form

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