
This article addresses one specific aspect of the synodal vision of the Church which is currently discussed in the Catholic Church. This aspect consists of the vision of a Church that is still a Church learning who to be and how to be. Using the construct of a community of practice, adopted from the field of the sociology of learning (Etienne Wenger), I analyse how the synodal Church, preferring the theology of the local Church, is open to new learning. As I demonstrate in the article, such an understanding contains within it a rich heuristic for our understanding of Revelation of God, including implications for an understanding of continuing revelation, as well as a revision of the Church’s concept of the Magisterium (sg.) in favour of the Magisteria (pl.). The article, therefore, shows a surprising point of view: How basic ecclesiological themes help us illuminate the Christian understanding of divine Revelation as an ongoing Revelation in human history.

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