
AbstractThe degree of redundancy between thrombopoietin (Tpo) and steel factor (SF) cytokine pathways in the regulation of hematopoiesis was investigated by generating mice lacking both c-Mpl and fully functional c-Kit receptors. Double-mutant c-Mpl–/–KitWv/Wvmice exhibited reduced viability, making up only 2% of the offspring from c-Mpl–/–KitWv/+intercrosses. The thrombocytopenia and megakaryocytopenia characteristic ofc-Mpl–/–mice was unchanged inc-Mpl–/–KitWv/Wvmice. However, the number of megakaryocytic colony forming units (CFU-Mks) was significantly reduced, particularly in the spleen. WhileKitWv/Wvmice, but notc-Mpl–/–mice, are anemic, the anemia was more severe in double-mutantc-Mpl–/–KitWv/Wvmice, indicating redundancy between Tpo and SF in erythropoiesis. At the primitive cell level,c-Mpl–/–andKitWv/Wvmice have similar phenotypes, including reduced progenitors, colony forming units–spleen (CFU-Ss), and repopulating activities. All of these parameters were exacerbated in double-mutant mice. c-Mpl–/–KitWv/Wvmice had 8-fold fewer clonogenic progenitor cells and at least 28-fold fewer CFU-Ss. c-Mpl–/–mice also demonstrated a reduced threshold requirement for nonmyeloablative transplant repopulation, a trait previously associated only withKitWmice, and the level of nonmyeloablative engraftment was significantly greater inc-Mpl–/–KitWv/Wvdouble mutants. Thus,c-Mpl–/–KitWv/Wvmice reveal nonredundant and synergistic effects of Tpo and SF on primitive hematopoietic cells.

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