
Sensory signals between individuals are important in short-range mate finding. The purpose of our experiments was to verify the roles of different sensory cues in mate orientation and discrimination in Ophraella communa LeSage (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) adults. Sex discrimination and sensory deprivation tests (i.e., depriving the olfactory and/or visual senses of either or both sexes by coating with paint) were conducted in the laboratory. Male O. communa were able to locate and recognize conspecifics using olfactory cues prior to physical contact, but could not discriminate the opposite sex prior to physical contact. When the olfaction of male O. communa was deprived by painting antennae, males spent significantly longer times seeking mates in the arena. Copulation duration did not differ significantly among treatments. Thus, the mating process of O. communa adults was mediated by contact cues, but not by olfactory cues. The percentages of successful mating, searching duration, and copulation duration were all unaffected by visual deprivation, i.e., when the eyes of either or both sexes were covered by black paint. The function of visual cues was thus negligible in the mate-finding process of O. communa adults. Overall, these results suggested that orientation and discrimination of the opposite sex by O. communa is dependent on the synergy between olfactory and tactile cues.

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