
Pure cultures of ruminal bacteria characterized as using only a single forage polysaccharide (Fibrobacter succinogenes A3c, cellulolytic; Bacteroides ruminicola H2b, hemicellulolytic; Lachnospira multiparus D15d, pectinolytic) were inoculated separately and in all possible combinations into fermentation tubes containing orchard grass as the sole substrate. Fermentations were run to completion, and then cultures were analyzed for digestion of cellulose plus degradation and utilization of hemicellulose and pectin. Addition of the noncellulolytic organisms, in any combination, to the cellulolytic organism F. succinogenes had little effect on overall cellulose utilization. F. succinogenes degraded but could not utilize hemicellulose; however, when it was combined with B. ruminicola, total utilization of hemicellulose increased markedly over that by B. ruminicola alone. L. multiparus was inactive in hemicellulose digestion, alone or in any combination. Although unable to degrade and utilize purified pectin, B. ruminicola degraded and utilized considerable quantities of the forage pectin. In contrast, L. multiparus was very active against purified pectin, but had extremely limited ability to degrade and utilize pectin from the intact forage. Both degradation and utilization of forage pectin increased when F. succinogenes was combined with B. ruminicola. Sequential addition of two cultures, allowing one to complete its fermentation before adding the second, was used to study synergism between cultures on forage pectin digestion. In general, synergistic effects did not appear to be related to a particular sequence of utilization. The ability of F. succinogenes to degrade and B. ruminicola to degrade and utilize forage pectin contradicts both previous and present data obtained with purified pectin. Thus, isolation and characterization of ruminal bacteria on purified substrates may be misleading with regard to their role in the overall ruminal fermentation.

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