
The interconnection between biotic and abiotic pathways involving the nitrogen and iron biogeochemical cycles has recently gained interest. While lacustrine ecosystems are considered prone to the biotic nitrate reduction (denitrification), their potential for promoting the abiotic nitrite reduction (chemodenitrification) remains unclear. In the present study, batch incubations were performed to assess the potential for chemodenitrification and denitrification in the saline inland lake Gallocanta. Sulfidic conditions are found in top sediments of the system while below (5–9 cm), it presents low organic carbon and high sulfate and ferrous iron availability. Anoxic incubations of sediment (5–9 cm) and water from the lake with nitrite revealed potential for chemodenitrification, especially when external ferrous iron was added. The obtained isotopic fractionation values for nitrite (ɛ15NNO2) were −6.8 and −12.3 ‰ and therefore, fell in the range of those previously reported for the nitrite reduction. The more pronounced ɛ15NNO2 (−12.3 ‰) measured in the experiment containing additional ferrous iron was attributed to a higher contribution of the chemodenitrification over biotic denitrification. Incubations containing nitrate also confirmed the potential for denitrification under autotrophic conditions (low organic carbon, high ferrous iron). Higher reaction rate constants were found in the experiment containing 100 μM compared to 400 μM nitrate. The obtained ɛ15NNO3 values (−8.5 and −15.1 ‰) during nitrate consumption fell in the range of those expected for the denitrification. A more pronounced ɛ15NNO3 (−15.1 ‰) was determined in the experiment presenting a lower reaction rate constant (400 μM nitrate). Therefore, in Gallocanta lake, nitrite generated during nitrate reduction can be further reduced by both the abiotic and biotic pathways. These findings establish the significance of chemodenitrification in lacustrine systems and support further exploration in aquatic environments with different levels of C, N, S, and Fe. This might be especially useful in predicting nitrous oxide emissions in natural ecosystems.

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