
The educational system is a synergetic system; it is an open, nonlinear, dynamic and complex system. The importance of synergetics for education and science is associated with the possibility of creating a transdisciplinary dialogue, more effective study of interdisciplinary links, using this interdisciplinary direction for a deep understanding of the unity of laws of nature and society, and thus personal development as the ultimate goal of all educational activities. Reforming and modernizing of higher education in Ukraine, increasing the importance of independent work of students in the total amount of classroom and extracurricular training have led to priority interest in the introduction of e-learning content and other components of distance and telematics education, focused on ensuring compliance of national educational standards with international requirements and full participation of Ukraine in the development of European and world educational area. This article outlines the introduction stages of the latest technologies for teaching medical and biological physics with adequate reflection of the specifics of the pedagogical process in higher medical education in Ukraine. The rational combination of the latest technologies and classical methods of teaching natural sciences promotes mutual synergistic strengthening of the effects of their application and minimizes cognitive dissonance and disproportion of information needs and proposals in higher medical education of Ukraine. The article also tackles the issue of distance learning courses and programs by the world’s leading higher education institutions that have resulted in a significant increase in the number of Ukrainian higher education institutions that actively develop and use e-learning Internet resources and other forms of distance learning.

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