
Introduction. Considering that in the article [1], along with logical bifurcations, there are alogical bifurcations, it became necessary to clarify their sources. For this purpose, the analysis of possible sources of illogical bifurcations is carried out. At the same time, illogical bifurcations found in various fields of science are mentioned. Main part. As a working hypothesis, the author proposes to include always an axiom in his research: illogical bifurcations of open systems appear when control parameters are determined directly by an anthropomorphic system. The proposed hypothesis is based on the fact that synonyms, replacing, for example, the names of objects of recognition, do so at the inspiration of an anthropomorphic system or borrow them from the long-term memory of an open system, which reduces the likelihood of illogical bifurcations. It is assumed that the emergence of illogical bifurcations of open systems is a consequence of the cooperation of a pre-existing, perhaps even genetic memory, with its present memory. As practice has shown, it is practically impossible to exclude illogical bifurcation from a person's long-term memory. In this regard, the assumption arises that this bifurcation is perceived by the anthropomorphic system as organic, which makes it chronic. It is assumed that illogical bifurcations appear if and only if control parameters are generated by the influx of an anthropomorphic system. In order to identify the reasons for the occurrence of illogical bifurcations, a synergistic analysis of their occurrence with actual facts was carried out. The paper considers the issues of parasitism of pseudo-authors, which allow undeservedly misappropriating other people's achievements with references to their synergistic nature. Conclusions. A synergistic interpretation of the bifurcations of open systems suggests that the occurrence of illogical bifurcations is a result of the cooperation of the existing long-term memory with the current memory.


  • Considering that in the article [1], along with logical bifurcations, there are alogical bifurcations, it became necessary to clarify their sources

  • illogical bifurcations found in various fields of science are mentioned

  • The proposed hypothesis is based on the fact that synonyms

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С этой целью проведен анализ возможных источников алогичных бифуркаций. В качестве рабочей гипотезы автор предлагает всегда включать в свои исследования аксиому: алогичные бифуркации открытых систем появляются, когда управляющие параметры определяются непосредственно антропоморфной системой. Предполагается, что возникновение алогичных бифуркаций открытых систем является следствием кооперации ранее существующей, возможно даже генетической памяти, с её имеющейся в настоящем памятью. Предполагается, что алогичные бифуркации появляются тогда и только тогда, когда управляющие параметры генерируются по наитию антропоморфной системы. С целью необходимости выявления причин возникновения алогичных бифуркаций проведен синергетический анализ их возникновения с действительными фактами. Синергетическая интерпретация бифуркаций открытых систем позволяет предполагать, что возникновение алогичных бифуркаций является следствием кооперации существующей долговременной памяти с имеющейся в настоящем времени памятью. Ключевые слова: закрытая и открытая системы; антропоморфная система; генетическая память; алогичные бифуркации; синергетический анализ

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