
This article discusses the development of syndicated lending in Russia. The aim of the study is to identify key trends in the Russian syndicated lending market. The research methodology is based on the use of universal general scientific methods – analysis, comparison, generalization, etc. The author also uses a graphical way of presenting information. To achieve the aim of the study, the following objectives are successively reached in the article: (1) the main elements and features of this credit instrument are considered; (2) the way of development of the Russian syndicated lending market is studied, the stages of its formation and the characteristics for each of them are presented; (3) the current state of the syndicated lending market in the Russian Federation is studied, and its current trends, formed under the influence of the factors of the current economic situation, the aggravated geopolitical situation and large-scale sanctions restrictions, are identified. The high economic efficiency of syndicated lending in the field of supporting the development of key sectors of the economy and promoting economic growth in general is noted. This is the potential of syndicated lending for the national economy. However, the study of the development trajectory of this credit instrument in the Russian Federation shows a high exposure of the syndicated lending market to the influence of global economic, financial and political factors. The aggravation of the geopolitical situation in 2022 led to significant structural changes in the Russian financial market. In particular, the syndicated lending market of the Russian Federation turned out to be localized. At the same time, despite the ongoing sanctions, today experts believe that the potential of this credit instrument in our country has not yet been disclosed, and they see opportunities for the growth of syndicated lending in Russia, including in the ruble segment. However, for the further development of the Russian market of syndicated lending, especially in the current local format, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions. Among the most important factors for its successful development are the improvement of Russian legal support, the development of national standards for the implementation of transactions, the development of the functionality of market participants based on the dissemination of experience accumulated to date, and the introduction of best practices in the field of syndicated lending. Efforts on the part of the Bank of Russia and professional associations of credit institutions are of great importance for solving these problems. Only in this context the syndicated lending market of the Russian Federation will be able to become one of the key elements of the effective development of the domestic economy.

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