
Several aspects of the bone morphology of armadillos have been investigated and used as taxonomic bases. The nined-banded armadillo, Dasypus novemcinctus, is the species of the genus that has the largest geographical distribution. Although is the most well-known armadillo species in its biology, skeletal studies are scarce and its original description is not detailed to permit accurate taxonomic revision including specimens from Southern end of Brazil. The objective of the present work was to provide a complete description of the synchranium of specimens from Pampa biome including areas located at south of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. The bony elements were described in detail on the basis of thirty-two specimens prepared specifically for this study. In general, the shape of bones remained morphologically similar between adults of both sexes. The studied specimens differed morphologically from those of previous studies and from more northern regions. Differences were verified in the lateral border of the palatine bone, shape of the pterygoids bones,shape of the coanas, outline of foramen Magnum and of Tentorial process. The results obtained generated evidences that may contribute to future morphological and taxonomical studies including animals from Southern Brazil.

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