
AbstractThe joint NASA‐ESA Mars sample return campaign aims to return up to 31 sample tubes containing drilled sedimentary and igneous cores and regolith. The titanium alloy tubes will initially still be sealed when they are retrieved. Several types of measurement will be carried out on sealed samples in the pre‐basic characterization phase of scientific investigation. We show that powder x‐ray diffraction (XRD) analysis can be successfully carried out on sealed samples using an x‐ray source at the I12 beamline of Diamond Light Source synchrotron. Our experiment used an analog sample tube and a Martian regolith analog (Icelandic basaltic sand). The titanium walls of the tube analog give strong but few diffraction peaks, making identification of the major constituent mineral phases feasible. A more significant constraint on quantification of mineral phase abundances by this XRD technique is likely to be the grain size of the sample. This technique opens up the possibility of initial mineralogical analysis of samples returned from Jezero crater without opening the sample tubes and the potential changes to the sample that entails.

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