
A series of ultrathin InSb films grown on GaAs by low‐pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition with different V/III ratios were investigated thoroughly using spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE), X‐ray diffraction, and synchrotron radiation X‐ray absorption spectroscopy. The results predicted that InSb films on GaAs grown under too high or too low V/III ratios are with poor quality, while those grown with proper V/III ratios of 4.20–4.78 possess the high crystalline quality. The temperature‐dependent SE (20–300°C) and simulation showed smooth variations of SE spectra, optical constants (n, k, e1, and ε2), and critical energy points (E1, E1 + Δ1, , E2, and ) for InSb film when temperature increased from 20°C to 250°C, while at 300°C, large changes appeared. Our study revealed the oxidation of about two atomic layers and the formation of an indium‐oxide (InO) layer of ∼5.4 nm. This indicates the high temperature limitation for the use of InSb/GaAs materials, up to 250°C.

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