
Synchronous communication is useful to model multiparty sessions where control for timing events and strong sequentially order of messages are essential to the problem specification. This paper continues the work on multiparty session types initiated by Honda et al. [Honda, K., N. Yoshida and M. Carbone, Multiparty asynchronous session types, in: G. C. Necula and P. Wadler, editors, POPL (2008), pp. 273-284] for synchronous communications. It provides a more relaxed syntax of the calculus, multicasting, higher-order communication via multipolarity labels and a clear definition of delegation in global types. The linearity property defines when a channel can be used in two different communications without creating a race condition and the type system checks if all the processes of a session implement the communication behavior specified in the global type. The type system of the calculus is proved to be sound with respect to the operational semantics and coherent with respect to the global types.

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