
Synaptophysin (SN) is a synaptic-vesicle-associated membrane protein whose presence is indicative of intact, functional synapses. This study examines the presence of SN in pituitary gland innervation after neurotoxin-induced denervation followed by reinnervation. Immunostaining of rat pituitary neurointermediate lobe tissue for SN reveals a pattern of dot-like densities in the intermediate lobe and intensely stained dispersed regions in the neural lobe of normal animals. In rats treated with 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA), a catecholamine neurotoxin, by peripheral injection, there is a significant depletion of the SN immunostaining in the intermediate lobe, as well as a significant reduction of SN immunoreactivity in the neural lobe, in animals studied 1 wk after drug treatment, with computer analysis of the tissue sections. At 3 wk after 6-OHDA, there is a partial recovery of immunoreactivity for SN in the neural lobe in many tissue sections, and the intermediate lobe also contains only relatively sparse staining for the synaptic protein. Computer analysis revealed that at 3 wk after 6-OHDA, both lobes still had reduced SN immunoreactivity, but the difference in levels measured did not achieve statistical significance. These results contrast with the prior finding of significant recovery of immunoreactivity for GAP-43, a growth and regeneration-associated protein, in intermediate lobe innervation of rats treated with the same drug regimen. We suggest that 6-OHDA treatment damages synaptic vesicle integrity in both the intermediate and neural lobes of the pituitary, and that recovery is in progress, but not complete at 3 wk after the drug is administered.

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