
Synaptic transmission between rods and horizontal cells (HCs) was studied by simultaneously recording from the pre- and postsynaptic cells in the living retinal slices of the larval tiger salamander. Voltage tails after the termination of a flash were observed in dark-adapted rods and HC somata, but not in cones. These simultaneously recorded voltage tails were used to isolate the rod input from the cone input to the HCs. The rod voltage versus the HC voltage in the response tails yielded the input-output relation of the rod-HC synapse. Two factors, a luminance-dependent signal delay between the rod and HC responses and a voltage-dependent depolarizing current in the HCs, complicate the analysis of the rod-HC synapse. A single input-output relation of the rod-HC synapse was obtained after these two factors had been corrected. The rod-HC synapse was approximately linear near the rod dark potential (−40 mV) with a synaptic gain around 12, but it became progressively nonlinear at more hyperpolarized potentials. The synaptic gain at V rod=−50 mV was about 0.65.

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