
Coordinated long-term plasticity of nearby excitatory synaptic inputs has been proposed to shape experience-related neuronal information processing. To elucidate the induction rules leading to spatially structured forms of synaptic potentiation in dendrites, we explored plasticity of glutamate uncaging-evoked excitatory input patterns with various spatial distributions in perisomatic dendrites of CA1 pyramidal neurons in slices from adult male rats. We show that (1) the cooperativity rules governing the induction of synaptic LTP depend on dendritic location; (2) LTP of input patterns that are subthreshold or suprathreshold to evoke local dendritic spikes (d-spikes) requires different spatial organization; and (3) input patterns evoking d-spikes can strengthen nearby, nonsynchronous synapses by local heterosynaptic plasticity crosstalk mediated by NMDAR-dependent MEK/ERK signaling. These results suggest that multiple mechanisms can trigger spatially organized synaptic plasticity on various spatial and temporal scales, enriching the ability of neurons to use synaptic clustering for information processing.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT A fundamental question in neuroscience is how neuronal feature selectivity is established via the combination of dendritic processing of synaptic input patterns with long-term synaptic plasticity. As these processes have been mostly studied separately, the relationship between the rules of integration and rules of plasticity remained elusive. Here we explore how the fine-grained spatial pattern and the form of voltage integration determine plasticity of different excitatory synaptic input patterns in perisomatic dendrites of CA1 pyramidal cells. We demonstrate that the plasticity rules depend highly on three factors: (1) the location of the input within the dendritic branch (proximal vs distal), (2) the strength of the input pattern (subthreshold or suprathreshold for dendritic spikes), and (3) the stimulation of neighboring synapses.

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