
The ultrastructural features and synaptic contacts of two amacrine cell types with corticotropin-releasing factor-like immunoreactivity in the turtle retina were examined using electron immunocytochemistry. Type A cells were found only in the visual streak and had elongated dendritic arborizations that ran parallel to the visual streak. These cells arborized primarily in stratum 1 and near the border of strata 2 and 3 of the inner plexiform layer, with some processes extending into stratum 5. Type B cells were found only ventral to the visual streak and arborized primarily in a wide band in strata 4 and 5, with sparse dendritic arborizations in stratum 1. There was a diffuse cytoplasmic reaction product within each cell type; however, large labeled vesicles were rarely observed. Type A amacrine cells received many conventional synaptic contacts from amacrine cells in stratum 1 and at the border of strata 2 and 3, but only a small number of contacts in stratum 5. Bipolar synaptic contacts onto type A amacrine cells were observed in strata 1 and at the border of strata 2 and 3. The only positively identified synaptic outputs of type A cells were conventional synapses onto amacrine cells in strata 1 and at the border of 2 and 3. Type B amacrine cells received synaptic contacts from amacrine cells in strata 1 and 5, and bipolar cell synaptic input in stratum 5. They made conventional synapses onto amacrine cells in strata 1 and 5, and onto bipolar cells in stratum 5. We also found conventional synaptic contacts between unlabeled amacrine cells and type B amacrine cells outside of the primary layers of stratification. In addition, there were specialized junctions observed between type A cell profiles in stratum 1 and between type B cell profiles in stratum 5. The unique regional distributions of the type A and B cells, as well as their differences in synaptic connectivity, suggested that these amacrine cells play distinct physiological roles although they contain the same neuropeptide.

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