
Small bistratified (blue-ON) ganglion cells in the primate retina are involved in processing short wavelength sensitive cone signals. These ganglion cells stratify in both the ON- and OFF-sublamina of the inner plexiform layer. We investigated the origin of synaptic input to the small bistratified ganglion cell in the retina of a New World primate, the marmoset Callithrix jacchus. Two small bistratified cells from peripheral retina were intracellularly filled with Lucifer Yellow, subsequently photoconverted and processed for electron microscopy. Serial ultrathin sections were cut through portions of each cell, and these were analysed in the electron microscope. The majority of synaptic input (about 84%) to both the inner and outer tier of dendrites was from amacrine cells. Both dendritic tiers also received bipolar cell input. These findings are consistent with predictions from physiological studies that synaptic input to the inner and outer tier of small bistratified cells should be excitatory. However, the tiny fraction of total input supplied from bipolar cells to the outer tier is not consistent with the strong excitatory OFF response in cells of this pathway.

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