
The lateral cervical nucleus receives input from the spinocervical tract and projects to the thalamus and mesencephalon. The organization of this nucleus was examined using two immunocyto-chemical methods. Pre-embedding immunolabelling was performed using an antibody against glutamate decarboxylase, and post-embedding immunogold-reaction was performed with an antibody to glutaraldehyde-fixed GABA. Light microscopic analysis of material reacted for glutamate decarboxylase revealed that punctate structures were present throughout the nucleus and were associated with large cells in the dorsolateral region of the nucleus. Electron microscopy demonstrated that the punctate structures were synaptic boutons which formed symmetrical synaptic junctions with dendrites and somata of cells in the nucleus. The ultrastructural preservation of material prepared for the post-embedding immunogold technique was superior to that prepared for pre-embedding immunostaining. Positively labelled synaptic boutons exhibited high colloidal gold density and, like those prepared for the pre-embedding method, formed symmetrical synaptic junctions with dendrites and somata of neurons. Labelled boutons were densely packed with irregularly-shaped synaptic vesicles. They displayed characteristics which were distinct from those unlabelled boutons. Boutons, revealed by both immunolabelling methods, were not observed to form synaptic associations with other axon terminals and were presynaptic to dendrites and somata only. Therefore, it is probable that such boutons are responsible for postsynaptic inhibition of cells in the nucleus. In view of this evidence, it is concluded that the lateral cervical nucleus is not simply a relay but is actively involved in processing sensory information.

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