
ABSTRACT The buccal ganglia of Philine each contain a group of mechanoreceptors, consisting of 1 large and 3 small cells, with receptive fields in the oesophagus. Synaptic contacts occur between the receptors; the large cell providing an EIPSP input to its contralateral partner and to the two groups of smaller receptors. The small receptors make weak excitatory contacts with both the large receptors. The sensory cells synapse with other buccal motoneurones and interneurones, some of which show periodic activity associated with the feeding movements. Protraction phase neurones are divisible into two groups, one of which receives EPSPs from the receptors, while the other group receives IPSPs. Retraction phase neurones receive a biphasic EIPSP. The receptors provide excitatory synaptic input to a pair of interneurons which ‘gate’ the feeding cycle. A third class of neurones which are not rhythmically active during feeding receive a predominantly inhibitory EIPSP.

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