
The role of positional information in synapse formation was studied in the cricket cercal sensory system by transplanting epidermis from one species of cricket to another. Strips of cercal epidermis containing identified sensory neurons were transplanted from a black donor species to a tan host species; the color difference was used to distinguish between donor and host tissue in adults. Transplanted sensory neurons regenerated axons into the host terminal abdominal ganglion where they formed functional chimeric synapses. These methods were used to test the role of positional information in central synapse formation. Newly generated sensory neurons, formed by the donor tissue at the border between graft and host, were examined to test the idea that their position would determine their structure, function, and projection pattern. These “intercalated” sensory neurons support the positional information hypothesis. First, they had directional sensitivities which were appropriate to their location on the cercus; receptors of this directionality would never be made by the donor tissue if left in its original position. Second, these sensory neurons projected to regions of the CNS known to be appropriate for their directionality. Finally, simultaneous recordings from these ectopic sensory neurons and host interneurons demonstrated the expected synaptic connection, based on the overlap of pre-and postsynaptic cells. Thus three aspects of receptor function, directionality, afferent projection, and choice of synaptic partners, appeared to be controlled by positional information.

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