
SCARLET FEVER.-This usually occurs between the ages of two and twelve years, though adults occasionally contract the disease. The time of incubation is from four to seven days. It begins with sore throat, chills and fever, headache, vomiting, restless sleep, and delirium. In children, convulsions indicate severe nervous disturbances. The rash appears about the second day, on the chest, neck, and face, and gradually covers the entire surface of the body. There is a distinct pallor around the mouth. The rash lasts from two to five or six days, during which the severe symptoms continue, the throat is extremely sore, and there may be inflammation of the kidneys and the middle ear. All these complications tend to heighten the fever and delay convalescence. In the anginose and malignant form of scarlet fever, all the symptoms are extremely severe. There may be diphtheritic deposits in the throat, and extremely severe earache. These symptoms must be watched for. In earache, children will scream and toss their heads from side to side. In inflammation of the kidneys, the first symptoms may be scanty urine, puffiness of the face, and intense pallor. These symptoms must be met with instant treatment or they may be quickly fatal. In mild cases the fever is high for a few days, the eruption appears, and convalescence follows with desquamation. The fever ends by lysis. In severe cases the temperature remains high, and is kept up by complications, diphtheria being a common one. Swelling of the glands of the neck must be watched for and reported at once. Pneumonia may occur, beginning with short respirations, flushing of the face, and rise of temperature. Endocarditis or pericarditis may complicate scarlet fever. The pulse is rapid and wiry, with a short, sharp scream from the child, especially on any exertion, such as talking, and with a desire for the upright position. This may also indicate pleurisy, but examination by the physician will determine which.

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