
Symptoms, diagnostic and therapy of perianal disease in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases Abstract. Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) frequently affect the perianal region. Due to the great functional importance of the anorectum, this frequently results in a significant burden of disease for the patient. For assessment of perianal IBD symptoms, the clinical history is of great importance. Often, anorectal symptoms are not reported spontaneously by patients, and a respectful direct conversation remains crucial. More than 30 % of patients with Crohn's disease (CD) will develop perianal fistulas. Perianal fistulas can be further characterized by endoscopic ultrasound, MRI, and investigation under anesthesia. These investigations provide complementary information. Fistula therapy is based on symptoms; the short-term goal is improvement of pain and secretion; the long-term goal of treatment remains fistula closure. However, preservation of the anal sphincter is of utmost importance and incontinence needs to be avoided. Antibiotics and/ or seton drainage are the mainstay for acute fistula treatment. The anti-tumor necrosis factor antibody infliximab can improve fistula symptoms, as demonstrated in a randomized controlled study. Surgical fistula closure is only possible in a clinically stable situation without rectal inflammation or other symptoms of active CD. Several surgical strategies exist including 1) fistulotomy, 2) disconnection of the fistula, 3) filling of the fistula tract and 4) fistula ablation. The optimal strategy needs to be decided on an individual basis. Intraoperative application of mesenchymal donor stem cells into the fistula tract and surrounding tissue is possibly the most effective fistula therapy. Due to the significant logistic effort, this therapy is only available in a few selected centers. Currently, stem cell therapy for CD fistulas is limited to patients with no more than two external fistula openings. The therapy of fissures and hemorrhoids in IBD patients is similar to patients without intestinal inflammation; however, due to a high rate of complications, surgery should be avoided whenever possible in CD patients. Incontinence is a frequent problem in IBD patients leading to highly relevant restrictions in daily life. Therapy is directed against intestinal inflammation but also comprises measures for normalization of stool consistency and intestinal motility. However, there are no IBD-specific concepts for the treatment of incontinence. Functional intestinal diseases are frequent in IBD patients and can contribute to urge and incontinence. Some IBD patients might benefit from anorectal physiotherapy. IBD patients have an increased risk for colorectal carcinoma, fistula carcinoma and possibly also anal carcinoma. Therefore, malignancy needs to be excluded at reasonable intervals.

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