
IPS PERINATAL PSYCHIATRY TASK FORCE SYMPOSIUM ANCIPS 2022: Prescribing Psychotropics In Pregnancy And LactationThe management of mental health problems during pregnancy and the postnatal period differs from disorders occurring at other times.The impact of the mental illness and treatment thereof is on the mother, the child and the family.1 in 5 women experience some form of perinatal mental illness Only 50% are diagnosed15% have depression ,anxiety disorders. Severe mental illness can be 2 to 3 per 1000 Postpartum psychosis can be 1 to 2 in 1000COVID times has seen an increase in depression and anxiety in the perinatal period(Wang 2020,Wu 2020)Psychosis can re-emerge or be exacerbated during pregnancy and the postnatal period.Although response to treatment is good, these problems frequently go unrecognized and untreated in pregnancy and the postnatal period.Psychiatric relapse in the setting of medication discontinuation for pregnancy is extremely common.Hence an appropriate treatment plan for psychiatric disorders during pregnancy and lactaction needs to be individualized and protocolised.Domestic violence during the perinatal period is recognised as major public health issues (Buist et al. 2005) and are associated with poor outcomes for women and their children and partners(Murray et al. 2003).It also contributes to increased risk of mental illness in pregnancy and lactationIntervention studies indicate that mental health problems during the perinatal period can be minimised if women and families engage in appropriate service (Armstrong et al. 2002; Kemp et al. 2011; Shaw et al. 2006).However concerns with regards to knowledge gaps and safety issues in prescribing psychotropic medication exist.This symposium by the Perinatal Psychiatry Task Force will address the important area of perinatal psychiatry ie prescribing of psychotropics in pregnancy and lactaction.The format will be discussion of the same with illustrative cases.Sub-topicsSpeaker1. Organ donation:Lt col SP Panda2. Gender reassignment surgeryLt col Vishal Chopra3. Bariatric surgeryLt col Arun Dwivedi4. Consent for surgery and other medicolegal conditions related in Intellectual disability, cognitive disorders and psychosisSurg Lt Cdr Amit Chail

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