
The possibility that the hypotheses of character convergence and character displacement might explain interspecific variation in song features among North American tanagers is examined. Scarlet and summer tanagers (Piranga olivacea and P. rubra) are the most sympatric among the four species and have the largest differences in song characteristics. However, songs of scarlet tanagers do not differ significantly between sympatry and allopatry. Songs of summer tanagers more resemble those of scarlet tanagers in allopatry, but this geographical variation has been explained by variation in habitat characteristics. Both species countersing in sympatry, and react aggressively to each other's songs in sympatry as well as in allopatry, probably due to similarities in the song. The limited data from the narrow sympatric zone between western and hepatic tanagers (P. ludoviciana and P. flava) indicate that their songs differ to a great extent. Therefore, the results do not support the hypothesis of character convergence. Character displacement might explain partially interspecific differences in song features between scarlet and summer tanagers but cannot be tested further.

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