
We show that a doped spin-1/2 ladder with antiferromagnetic intra-chain and ferromagnetic inter-chain coupling is a symmetry protected topologically non-trivial Luttinger liquid. Turning on a large easy-plane spin anisotropy drives the system to a topologically-trivial Luttinger liquid. Both phases have full spin gaps and exhibit power-law superconducting pair correlation. The Cooper pair symmetry is singlet dxy in the non-trivial phase and triplet Sz=0 in the trivial phase. The topologically non-trivial Luttinger liquid exhibits gapless spin excitations in the presence of a boundary, and it has no non-interacting or mean-field theory analog even when the fluctuating phase in the charge sector is pinned. As a function of the strength of spin anisotropy there is a topological phase transition upon which the spin gap closes. We speculate these Luttinger liquids are relevant to the superconductivity in metalized integer spin ladders or chains.

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