
Alghazzawi and Leroy studied the structure of subsets satisfying the properties of symmetric and commutatively closed, that is, for implies and for implies respectively, where S is a subset of a ring R. In this article we discuss the structure of rings which are symmetric on zero (resp., idempotents). Such rings are also called symmetric (resp., I-symmetric). We first prove that if a polynomial over a symmetric ring is a unit then a 0 is a unit and ai is nilpotent for all based on this result, we obtain that for a reduced ring R, the group of all units of the polynomial ring over R coincides with one of R, and that polynomial rings over I-symmetric rings are identity-symmetric. It is proved that for an abelian semiperfect ring R, R is I-symmetric if and only if the units in R form an Abelian group if and only if R is commutative. It is also proved that for an I-symmetric ring R, R is π-regular if and only if is a commutative regular ring and J(R) is nil, where J(R) is the Jacobson radical of R.

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