
Bifurcation in symmetric is typically associated with spontaneous symmetry breaking. That is, bifurcation is associated with new solution having less symmetry. In this paper we show that symmetry-increasing bifurcation in the discrete dynamics of symmetric mappings is possible (and is perhaps generic). The reason for these bifurcations may be understood as follows. The existence of one attractor in a system with symmetry gives rise to a family of conjugate attractors all related by symmetry. Typically, in computer experiments, what we see is a sequence of symmetry-breaking bifurcations leading to the existence of conjugate chaotic attractors. As the bifurcation parameter is varied these attractors grow in size and merge leading to a single attractor having greater symmetry. We prove a theorem suggesting why this new attractor should have greater symmetry and present a number of striking examples of the symmetric patterns that can be formed by iterating the simplest mappings on the plane with the symmetry of the regular m-gon. In the last section we discuss period-doubling in the presence of symmetry.

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