
Humans perceive and interact with hundreds of objects every day. In doing so, they need to employ mental models of these objects and often exploit symmetries in the object's shape and appearance in order to learn generalizable and transferable skills. Active inference is a first principles approach to understanding and modelling sentient agents. It states that agents entertain a generative model of their environment, and learn and act by minimizing an upper bound on their surprisal, i.e. their free energy. The free energy decomposes into an accuracy and complexity term, meaning that agents favour the least complex model that can accurately explain their sensory observations. In this paper, we investigate how inherent symmetries of particular objects also emerge as symmetries in the latent state space of the generative model learnt under deep active inference. In particular, we focus on object-centric representations, which are trained from pixels to predict novel object views as the agent moves its viewpoint. First, we investigate the relation between model complexity and symmetry exploitation in the state space. Second, we do a principal component analysis to demonstrate how the model encodes the principal axis of symmetry of the object in the latent space. Finally, we also demonstrate how more symmetrical representations can be exploited for better generalization in the context of manipulation.

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