
We show that the Schwarzschild-(A)dS black hole mechanics possesses a hidden symmetry under the three-dimensional Poincaré group. This symmetry shows up after having gauge-fixed the diffeomorphism invariance in the symmetry-reduced homogeneous Einstein-Λ model and stands as a physical symmetry of the system. It dictates the geometry both in the black hole interior and exterior regions, as well as beyond the cosmological horizon in the Schwarzschild-dS case. It follows that one can associate a set of non-trivial conserved charges to the Schwarzschild-(A)dS black hole which act in each causally disconnected regions. In T-region, they act on fields living on spacelike hypersurface of constant time, while in R-regions, they act on time-like hypersurface of constant radius. We find that while the expression of the charges depend explicitly on the location of the hypersurface, the charge algebra remains the same at any radius in R-regions (or time in T-regions). Finally, the analysis of the Casimirs of the charge algebra reveals a new solution-generating map. The mathfrak{sl}left(2,mathrm{mathbb{R}}right) Casimir is shown to generate a one-parameter family of deformation of the black hole geometry labelled by the cosmological constant. This gives rise to a new conformal bridge allowing one to continuously deform the Schwarzschild-AdS geometry to the Schwarzschild and the Schwarzschild-dS solutions.


  • Notion of boundary, being at finite distance or asymptotic

  • We show that the Schwarzschild-(A)dS black hole mechanics possesses a hidden symmetry under the three-dimensional Poincaré group

  • We have shown that the Schwarzschild-(A)dS black hole mechanics enjoys a hidden Noether symmetry under the group SL(2, R) R3

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C22 τ τ

Where (τ0, τ1) are constants of integration which encodes the position of the singularity and the horizons. The constant C2 is the velocity of the B-field, i.e the physical radius, and it is straigthfroward to show that C1 = L−s 2 which corresponds to the constant curvature of the 2-sphere. They are related to the scales (L0, Ls) and encode the size of the fiducial cell. Its Penrose diagram is represented in figure 1 The parameter allows us to treat in a simple way the different causally disconnected regions of the Schwarzschild-dS geometry (and its AdS counter-part). Having presented in detail our set-up, we are ready to explore the hidden symmetries of the Schwarzschild-(A)dS mechanics

Symmetries of the gauge-fixed action
B B f 2f
Hamiltonian formulation and physical observables
The extended CVH algebra
Algebra of Noether charges
Schwarzschild mass spectrum
Generating shift of the cosmological constant
Möbius covariance of the Schwarzschild solution
B Symmetries transformation and Noether charges computation
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