
We construct an algebraic basis of the algebra of symmetric (invariant under composition of the variable with any measure preserving bijection of $[0,1]$) continuous polynomials on the $n$th Cartesian power of the real Banachspace $L_^{(\mathbb{R})}\infty[0,1]$ of Lebesgue measurable essentially bounded real valued functions on $[0,1].$ Also we describe the spectrum of the Fr\'{e}chet algebra $A_s(L_^{(\mathbb{R})}\infty[0,1])$ of symmetric real-valued functions on the space $L_^{(\mathbb{R})}\infty[0,1]$, which is the completion of the algebra of symmetric continuous real-valued polynomials on $L_^{(\mathbb{R})}\infty[0,1]$ with respect to the family of norms of uniform convergence of complexifications of polynomials. We show that $A_s(L_^{(\mathbb{R})}\infty[0,1])$ contains not only analytic functions. Results of the paper can be used for investigations of algebras of symmetric functions on the $n$th Cartesian power of the Banach space $L_^{(\mathbb{R})}\infty[0,1]$.

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